Monster Moths: The Wild Escape
As part of ArtFund's Wild Escape project school children from across the country have been creating artwork inspired by the natural world and museum & gallery collections to create a collective artwork in a digital landscape, the Wild World.
Encouraging conversations about biodiversity loss, conservation and what we can do in our communities, the Wild Escape, supported by Arts Council England, aims to inspire children to visit museums and respond creatively to the threat to the UK’s natural environment by looking for animals featured in museum collections and creating their own wildlife artworks.
Students from Rothesay Primary, St. Andrew’s Primary and North Bute Primary have been inspired by the moths carved and painted on the interiors at Mount Stuart, and the work of volunteers at Bute Museum & Natural History Society, who use the grounds and gardens for regular moth counts, contributing information to the National Moth Recording Scheme.
As part of our Contemporary Visual Arts Programme this year artist Monster Chetwynd has also been working with local students on a performance project inspired by moths which will form part of her exhibition opening at Mount Stuart on 10 June 2023.

You can explore the Wild World here and can track down all the Bute moths by using the unique three-word creature codes in this downloadable PDF.